Brother Brendan Gerrity, FSC – 1937-2024

It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of President Emeritus, Br. Brendan Gerrity, FSC.

Br. Brendan Gerrity, FSC
Br. Brendan Gerrity, FSC

Br. Brendan was the Executive Director/President of Ocean Tides for over 30 years. His dedication, determination, and leadership in providing care, education, and opportunity to youth and their families in need had an extraordinary impact on not only the Ocean Tides program and the thousands of youth and families it has helped, but Juvenile Justice in Rhode Island and the United States.

Click here for Brother Brendan’s obituary >

Br. B was a dynamic leader and pioneer who believed in treatment and rehabilitation, versus incarceration, and putting the focus on family in treatment. He was an educator who believed the key to success for Ocean Tides youth was through earning a high school diploma and finding a career.

Br. B believed in relationships, and if every young man who came to Ocean Tides could connect with one person and develop a positive relationship, that would lead to success.  Throughout his many years at Ocean Tides, he developed these relationships and a sense of community not only with the youth and families of the program, but the Ocean Tides Staff, the Christian Brothers Community of Rhode Island and throughout the Lasallian world, Rhode Island Family Court, RI Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Legislators, and other community partners.

Br. Brendan Gerrity, FSC, pictured here with an Ocean Tides graduate, and longtime Principal, Jane Genereux, who passed in 2020. They served Ocean Tides for almost 40 years, shaping the lives of so many young men entrusted to their care.

Br. Brendan’s impact was profound. He will be truly missed, and we keep him and his family in our prayers.

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